i had a wonderful time talking to my sister online. it's such a heartwarming experience na hindi ko ipagpapalit sa isang buong litson. hehe. jowk.
we discussed about mae, and also partly dwelt on past issues na hindi nauungkat at naibabaon na lamang sa limot ng nakaraan. while talking with her, it was as though we are putting down all the gaps we had in the past, all that defenses, and just trying to be real sister, we are having some real conversation.
it was beautiful, it was awesome.
it was the first time i told her how much we appreciate her and love her without feeling my heart was tied in knots...
i felt free.
and joyous. i wish i can share that ym conversation here but it's too personal and there are details i am not comfortable sharing with online readers.
by the way, i already got an offer from Amanah Holding in Dubai Internet City. The interviews went well (two face-to-face interviews, one with the CEO and the other one with the VP, and another online interview).
they are happy with the results of the interview.
Until now, I still am ecstatic, excited and idealistic... err... positive.
there is one mantra I kept on repeating and that is: I don't want to fail them.
and I won't....
(photos courtesy of www.istockphoto.com)

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