I've been through a raging battle of choosing between:
a job offer so tempting it will give me the opportunity to fly to my dream land, Canada, and earn salary far better what I am currently getting, a job full of optimism, wonderful and sensible bosses, with a clear career ladder that will let me have my desired position of a Marketing Communication Executive in the future and exposure to the corporate world...
my current job which is as vague as the frosted window in the winter season...
no plans.
no growth.
no benefits.
no bonus.
no organization.
no Canada.
no going up nor down.
no nothing. the exact opposite of the first one.
I think it's much too obvious which one did I chose to stay.
Of course, the one God gave me.
6 months ago, I asked God for a 3000dirham-job.
I got it exactly the way I prayed for it.
3 months ago, I whined and complained my boredom to this job I have. and still whining for a couple of months.
7 days ago, I realized the purpose of my stay. I decided to stay.
6 days ago, I got a phone call for a job interview.
4 days ago, I was offered my dream job.
3 days ago, I handed my resignation letter and started to work for my dream job.
yesterday, I was still confused, torn between the want to go and escaped these seemingly cold and disorganized people and chase the greener pasture or commit to my vow to stay for the next 6 months trusting the Lord with all my heart, my mind, my soul and my strength of what He can do if I remain faithful and trust Him...
today, I heard God's voice saying... trust Me... and witness what I will do if you'll keep My word into your heart...
I listen, I adhered, I'll obey.
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